Saturday, June 29, 2013

The First Eternal Principle

Faith is the greatest, most essential ingredient to filling our needs.  Of course, remaining in existence is prerequisite to filling our needs. 

Because we are all children of God, we share some of the same matter.  Because we share some of the same matter, we are inseparably connected.  Because we are inseparably connected, one of our own needs is to meet the needs of others.  When we meet others' needs, we are meeting some of our needs.  When we meet our needs, we are meeting some of the needs of others.  It is an endless, synergistic circle.  The Glory of God is beyond scale.  What is the end of an endless, synergistic cyclone? (1)

Therefore, faith in ourselves is, in a measure, faith in others, and vice-versa.  When we do not have the faith to try and meet the needs of others, we cannot honestly believe that our own needs will be met. Our own needs are what generate the desire for faith in others, which faith acts like a thousand outstretched hands calling them home. Losing faith in others means we stop believing that all of our needs can be met.  

In speaking of "practical spirituality" Marshall Rosenberg suggests that the meeting of needs is love.  I love you by meeting your needs.  And because meeting your needs meets mine, it can rightly be said that "no love is ever wasted. Its worth does not lie in reciprocity." - Neal A. Maxwell


1 Ether 12:3 "by faith all things are fulfilled"

Gnome Sayin?

Some people refuse healing because their power is tied to their hurt - their own hurt and their ability to hurt, which are the same.

How can something be both true and false? By being incomplete.

The righteous love & hate the wicked.  They hate their unnatural behavior and love their natural identity and potential as sons and daughters of God.  The wicked just hate.

Both God and Mammon have their limits. God is limited in what He is permitted to do, but has power to do anything. The devil is not limited in what he is permitted to do, but has no power to do anything.

Self-interest can be interpreted as focus on one's own choices, 100% personal accountability, or, the opposite of blame.

You can't believe that we're all interconnected and believe that the choices of others do not affect you.

I suppose when you live in a culture saturated with easily and deceitfully offended people, offending people becomes a virtue.

Whatever they throw at me makes me stronger. Whatever they throw at me makes them weak.

The "key of knowledge" is forged in the furnace of faith.

Not knowing what we do begins with not knowing who we are.

What is stands, among all existence, as the greatest condemnation of what is not. And what is not stands, among all existence, as the greatest witness of what is.
   The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that "by proving contrariestruth is made manifest" (HC 6:248). 

The outcome is not in my hands; only the effort is.

When you see someone be mean toward themselves, expect them to be mean toward you later.

All light and knowledge is contained in a library which is owned by the Gods.  We are permitted to check items out, and even make copies, but the copyrights all belong to the Gods, so they can pull our copies at any time.

If you communicate exactly how you feel, you'll never send the wrong message.

Art has no beauty of itself.  The beauty we experience with art is being drawn from us.

It's good to recognize how God has guided my life.  It's better to trust that He's doing so now.

Everybody burns.  Some turn to gold.  Some disintegrate.  But, everybody burns.

All things testify of AA's step 3, which is work; specifically, it is the work we have to do.

The darkened path NEVER brings reward.  The lit path brings NEVERENDING rewards.

All creative power is bridled.  Of what use is unbridled power?  Therefore, bridle your passions, or be bridled.

Only those can help who have been helped; so, receive!

I am not ashamed because of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

By reason of what I might not have, I have much; by reason of the fact that I could have nothing, I have everything.

Don't expect to find Eternal Life before you find your present life.

Mock now, burn later.  Burn now, mock later.

There are two types of burning: 1) the burn of work, or 2) the burn of unsatiated desire. 

Burning serves to refine, and those who will not be refined will burn forever.

Don't reprove those who mock goodness; it's the only happiness they have.

Whether I walk through a wilderness, and pick my manna off the ground each day, or walk through the promised land and buy my resources with the money in my bank account, it is the same.  One is not more miraculous than the other.  One is no less provided by God.

If I believe it, one day it can make sense to me.  If I disbelieve it, it can never make sense to me.

'Living in the past', and 'livinging in the future' are misnomers.  Living only occurs in the present.

Evil must exist, but existing is evil's final value.

In terms of accomplishment, direction is everything; distance is nothing.

The obstruction to learning caused by the poor delivery of information can be overcome by the eagerness of the student.

The purpose of plenty is to assist those in need.

Know yourself, and help yourself.

If God is in my heart, then I'm in heaven.

The doctrine of determinism offers the hope of the lottery. The doctrine of agency, or individual choice, offers the assurance of certainty. 2 Nephi 10:23

A person cannot sustainably be "made to see" or understand.  It can occur for a moment, but 'a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still'.

Don't be surprised that some people avoid understanding.  They don't want it.  Understanding comes with responsibility the way choices come with consequences.  Some people don't want responsibility. Therefore, logic and reason are to some adults what chores are for most children.  Jeremiah 4:22

All I have to do is work, and the kingdom is mine. In other words, the path is paved and the incline is adjusted to my capabilities, so that all I have to do is walk.

There is a pervasive notion that doing nothing is the way to be. But, because choice is followed by consequence, doing nothing yields nothing. Doing something yields something. And, doing your best yields the best.

If the world is run by those who show up, then so, too, by extention, is the universe.

Because God is everything that is light, true, and real, and choosing anything other than God is pride, pride, then, is a choice for darkness, lies, and illusion.

What do you call someone who invests in a plan that has never before worked? A dreamer. Plan B Groupies have an undisputed claim on that title. And who else dreams, but the sleeping?

Why do we receive no witness until after the trial of our faith? Because we have to want it.  Why won't God give to one who doesn't want to receive?  Because he'd have to force our hands open, and that possibility is not provided for in Plan A.

Decisions determine destiny, and ideas determine decisions.

Don't let the pain of missing a solution prevent you from finding an alternative.

Christ is to my mind and heart what a chiropractor is to my muscles and bones.

All things are possible for Christ, even when he's partnered with me - Ed

Equality ends the rat race.

The Old Testament is to God's people what manual labor was to the Karate Kid (original).

Ritual is to us what painting the fence was to the Karate Kid.

Hurt people hurt people, and healed people heal people; so, seek Jesus.

The problem with relativism - which is the alternative to The Law and the logical outcropping of the concept of evolution - is that it contradicts itself; the relativist says "no one can know anything, and I know it!" could there be greater evidence of delusion or immaturity?  And we are supposed to take these people seriously?

When some guy gives away free candy bars, people from miles line up for miles.  But, when some God gives away free life, few extend their arms to receive. 

Every being is interconnected; and every action influences other beings. My goal is to maximize my positive influence and minimize my negative influence. I cannot cease to influence without ceasing to exist, nor can I cease existing.

To be righteous, I must be willing to kill (let people die); this out of respect for Choice.

Seek life eternally, and you will find eternal life. Eternal life is as much a place as infinity is a number. 

Since all who do God's will know it's better, we can conclude that those who disagree aren't even trying.

I can not earn my salvation, but I must choose it, again and again.

Pleasure is dessert, not the meal.  When pleasure becomes the meal, the body and soul suffer because the greater needs of the body and soul go unmet.  I sometimes use pleasure to anesthitize my suffering.  But, I must face suffering in order to overcome it.  When I avoid suffering, I am eventually overcome by it.

I am always working to meet the needs of others, because that is a need of mine; and when efforts become counter-productive, I wait actively.

When relativists cry "tolerance!", justice laughs. 

In theory, political correctness is about respect. In practice, it's about protecting certain agendas through playing the role of victim.

Those who are disappointed in God are not looking to Him.  They are looking toward their own expectations or to some counterfeit.  God never disappoints.  This fact will be witnessed on the day when every knee bows, and the power which will bow knees is derived from this fact.  

The only hope the world has of breaking from the cycle of self-destruction is if a critical number of us do our best to comply with The Law, thus becoming whole, and connecting with each other in unity.

Saturating cultures with reflections of Deity is as intolerant and disrespectful as the sun saturating earth with its rays. Let your light shine!

The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
The Platinum Rule: Treat others the way they want to be treated.
The Rule: We treat others the way we treat ourselves.

The powers of sin aren't bad; they're unbridled.

God is under rock bottom.

The righteous don't take God's name in vain for the same reason the sane, when in peril, don't taunt and mock their only rescuer.  Anyone who doesn't see that this world is in peril, lying constantly on the brink of destruction, has his eyes closed.

Like light cuts through the darkness, speak reason in a world of confusion. 

Of course the wicked speak 1/2 truths, they're only 1/2 way through their journey.

The classic victim bait and switch: you hate me because   (some unalterable trait)  ; now, grant me advantages because  (some unalterable trait)  .

To 'harden' one's heart is to believe that God's motives are other than what He says they are

The First Order of Business

Self-preservation is the first order of business.

What is self, but what I choose?  Our ability to choose is our identity.  It's our flavor.  Without it, we are not what we are.  St. Augustine in his Confessions said "I knew as well that I had a will as that I lived." book VII, part III.  Autonomy is our self. 

Plan Bers cannot agree to disagree.  The basic tenets of their faith do not allow for it.  They seek to eliminate choice.  Since we are our choices, they seek eliminate themselves and us.  Satan was a murderer from the beginning (1).  To "overcome" is to retain our agency in the face of all that Satan uses to persuade us to forsake it (pleasure and pain).  Since evil is ever existent and ever wanting our destruction, self-preservation becomes the first order of business.  It is the second birth.  It is equal to the creation of life.  It is keeping the eternal fire burning, and it is primarily man's role.

Self-preservation is the first and the last battle between God and Satan.  It is the first and the last principle in man's development.  In the war in heaven, we fought Lucifer for man's agency.  In this life, we often lose our bodies in the war for agency.  But, the point will come when the very last attempt of our adversary and his minions to destroy our autonomy will fail.  The war will not go on forever.  The war is our development.  In the end, we will shut our adversary away, to protect ourselves, because he is unable to stop seeking our destruction.

Our souls consist of our spirit and our body.  Our spirit is eternal.  All of our bodies will die.  Self-preservation, in our current state, is comprised of both spiritual and temporal preservation, or, protecting our spirit and our body.  In the scriptures, we read about men who are praised for laying down their lives (2), and men who are praised for taking up the sword (3).  This may seem like a paradox.  In reality, it is a matter of priority.  Protection of both is important, but protection of the spirit is most important.  If we surrender our bodies to death, our spirits will still live.  If we surrender our spirits to death, both parts of us will die.  Therefore, our need to protect the existence of our body is smaller than our need to protect the existence of our spirit.  In cases of war, those who protect both spirit and body are heralded (3).  When the protection of the body is a threat to the protection of the spirit, those who sacrifice their body are heralded (2).  When the protection of the spirit is not in danger, protection of the body is our first priority.



1 John 8:44  
2 Alma 24
3 Alma 48:17
4 Force has been given to us to defend our own individual rights.  Who will dare to say that force has been given to us to destroy the equal rights of our brothers? - Frederic Bastiat, The Law

The Love and Lure

The Love is action. It is the work God and His workers do to bring others to the optimal state of their design.  It is reaching out to meet the needs of others and looking inward to maximize compliance with The Law.

The Lure is inaction.  It is the enticing theory marketed by the devil and his subscribers which claims that all bliss can be had without price, without work (except the work required to establish the system, which would then eliminate pain and be maintained perpetually by force).  It is face painting for the sake of enticement, believing that when enough people sign up (ironically, by Choice), Utopia will spontaneously combust; thus, placing attractiveness on the pedestal as mankind's greatest virtue.  No wonder God refers to His greatest enemy as a whore.

Because God's love for us is so pure and altruistic, because He only ever desires what is best for us, and because He knows even better than we do what is, in fact, best for us, any doctrine or teaching that persuades men to follow any strategies other than God's for meeting their needs - in other words pride - is worthy of the most heated condemnation. In fact, only the most heated condemnation can adequately communicate God's love.

Plan A's goal and means of achieving it are clearly stated. The path is known. The biggest challenge may be boredom.
Plan B's goal is clearly stated, but it's means of achieving it are vague. The unknowns in this plan give it its mystery and lure. Excitement is it's draw.
"Darkness is lack of light as sin is lack of love." ACIM 1-IV-3,1

Saturday, June 8, 2013


I used to think that power looked like this

So, I used to think that it was better to be a lot bad than a little good, because power is what influences people, and influencing people is what gets you what you want.  But, now I know that power looks like this

A little good is a lot better than a lot bad; because, of what benefit is great strength in strategies that fail? 1  A tiny bit of power to effect happiness in some small, seemingly imperceptible way is better than any amount of force which always fails.  One life grown is better than infinite minions marching toward death.

I used to think that power was acquired by influence over others. But power is accessed by connecting with God.  And so, the least of us which connect with Him are stronger than the largest of them which do not. 2

Here's a riddle: Of what use is unbridled power? Please comment.
1 Psalms 37:16,17
2 1 Nephi 2:23
update 1.30.18 "a living dog is better than a dead lion" Ecclesiastes 9:4