Like all pleasure-seekers, "life" consists of a long, dull, dark ache, interspersed with fireworks. "Life" is enacted mundanely while the pleasure is not popping. Between hits, time is spent either reminiscing about the previous point of pleasure or anticipating the next, like trying to jump from one mountain peak to another.
This big bang theory purports that if one just gets enough fireworks popping, the entire scene will light up with no more darkness. Utopia will be created, without work, just by pleasure-seeking. But that is not what happens. It doesn't happen here on earth, and it won't happen after earth.
What happens is the pleasure is removed. Sex addicts become impotent. Drug addicts become incompetent. Love addicts become detached. Food addicts feel starved. Control addicts lose control. This happens here on earth. There are millions if not billions of examples, and we see it as plain as day.
When the day comes that our pleasures are removed, what will it feel like? When God takes away the drugs, and the orgasm, and the ability to escape? When we say, "I will die without another hit" and there is none? Without the fireworks, it is just a dark night.
What will be left will not be a new feeling. It will be familiar. Only our escape from it will be removed. It will feel like all the time between points of pleasure. It will feel like a lake because there is no aim, no purpose, no goal, no labor. Think about it. When you go out on a lake, your goal is to go out on the lake - THAT IS the goal. When the reward of being on a lake is removed, you will burn for it. That's why it's called the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.
Your boating expedition will become a lake of thirst with nothing to quench it, of unhappiness with no ending, whose sole purpose, being removed, will be to suffer.