There is a line drawn. It separates good from evil.
This line is known as The Law. We are expected to keep The Law. To God, however, The Law is welded in One. He is the face of both Good and Evil, using evil to grow us into His what He has designed us to become.
(Use the word "utilize" rather than wield) deeper meaning to the phrase, "eat shit and die."
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Compulsion is a Lie
The idea of compulsion is a lie.
Choice never leaves us. It is us. It is only because so many of us like the idea of being Choiceless that oppression is so dominant here on earth. Our tendency to blame perpetuates the oppressive master/slave condition here. If we were perfect people, we would rather die than feel compelled. It's true that our body can be compelled, but our body is nothing. Jesus Christ exemplified this dignity perfectly when he allowed his body to be crucified while refusing to deny that He was the Messiah. Dignity prevents oppression from being sustainable.
Choice never leaves us. It is us. It is only because so many of us like the idea of being Choiceless that oppression is so dominant here on earth. Our tendency to blame perpetuates the oppressive master/slave condition here. If we were perfect people, we would rather die than feel compelled. It's true that our body can be compelled, but our body is nothing. Jesus Christ exemplified this dignity perfectly when he allowed his body to be crucified while refusing to deny that He was the Messiah. Dignity prevents oppression from being sustainable.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
The War on Observation
Observation is considered by some to be the highest form of intelligence 1, and by others to be hateful and intolerant. The latter are correct about one of those: observation is intolerant.
Observation simply notes what is. It doesn't tolerate what isn't.
Yet, in all of its anesthetized inculpability, there are some who still feel molested by its function.
As examples, the observation that life-long, sexual unions between same-gendered adults and life-long, sexual unions between opposite gendered adults perform different functions in society is being reported as hateful; and the observation that women and men are different is condemned as sexist.
So, why is it that observation gets some people all riled up?
This occurs when what is wants to hide.
Before an observation can be made, light must be shed on the subject. Nothing is observable in utter darkness. The light reveals things as they are.
Those who love light, therefore, are able to observe because they abide in the light. While those who hate the light are never able to distinguish observable realities from moralistic judgments because they avoid the light.
The root, where the division occurs between those who love light and those who dislike it, is the principle of agency. I define "agency" as the ability to choose for one's self. When I accept 100% responsibility for all of my choices, I declare "I AM", and become connected to reality. I see myself, and my place among real things, clearly. When I reject personal accountability to any degree, I declare "I AM NOT", and become disconnected from reality. I cannot see my real self, or my place among real things, clearly. I am in an illusion.
Some people don't want to be known as they are. They resent the light because it spoils their dreams. They are dreaming, and their illusions are sometimes sweet to them. Has anyone ever turned a light on in a room full of sleeping people and experienced gratitude in return? On the day when every knee bows and confesses Christ, it is silly to presume that people will convert 2; instead, they will be angry; and, in mercy, Christ will turn the lights back off, and let everyone go back to sleep.
Here's a helpful diagram.
Illusions cannot be indulged as comfortably in the light, nor pretense performed as convincingly.
The inability to observe in injurious. It keeps one from knowing things as they really are. More serious than that, it keeps us from knowing our place in the real world. Those "living the dream" suffer an identity crisis of infinite proportions. Equally injurious to people who fight observation is their subsequent inability to make use of observations in creating value judgments. Value judgments differ from moralistic judgments, in that they do not label as good or bad. Value judgments assess liklihood based on data. For example, "if I bake my cookies at 550 for 30 minutes, they'll burn" is a value judgment; it does not say it is wrong or bad to bake cookies this way. "Wickedness never was happiness" is a similar type of judgment. God only ever makes value judgments. This is observable to anyone who is able to observe, and who has an understanding of The Law.
Without using data in analytics or assessments, it becomes extremely difficult to arrive at true conclusions. I would say it is impossible, but there is still the possibility of chance; though, even if arrived at by chance, the student would, in all cases, be unable to recognize, let alone appreciate, that truth.
Observation simply notes what is. It doesn't tolerate what isn't.
Yet, in all of its anesthetized inculpability, there are some who still feel molested by its function.
As examples, the observation that life-long, sexual unions between same-gendered adults and life-long, sexual unions between opposite gendered adults perform different functions in society is being reported as hateful; and the observation that women and men are different is condemned as sexist.
So, why is it that observation gets some people all riled up?
This occurs when what is wants to hide.
Before an observation can be made, light must be shed on the subject. Nothing is observable in utter darkness. The light reveals things as they are.
Those who love light, therefore, are able to observe because they abide in the light. While those who hate the light are never able to distinguish observable realities from moralistic judgments because they avoid the light.
The root, where the division occurs between those who love light and those who dislike it, is the principle of agency. I define "agency" as the ability to choose for one's self. When I accept 100% responsibility for all of my choices, I declare "I AM", and become connected to reality. I see myself, and my place among real things, clearly. When I reject personal accountability to any degree, I declare "I AM NOT", and become disconnected from reality. I cannot see my real self, or my place among real things, clearly. I am in an illusion.
Some people don't want to be known as they are. They resent the light because it spoils their dreams. They are dreaming, and their illusions are sometimes sweet to them. Has anyone ever turned a light on in a room full of sleeping people and experienced gratitude in return? On the day when every knee bows and confesses Christ, it is silly to presume that people will convert 2; instead, they will be angry; and, in mercy, Christ will turn the lights back off, and let everyone go back to sleep.
Here's a helpful diagram.
Illusions cannot be indulged as comfortably in the light, nor pretense performed as convincingly.
The inability to observe in injurious. It keeps one from knowing things as they really are. More serious than that, it keeps us from knowing our place in the real world. Those "living the dream" suffer an identity crisis of infinite proportions. Equally injurious to people who fight observation is their subsequent inability to make use of observations in creating value judgments. Value judgments differ from moralistic judgments, in that they do not label as good or bad. Value judgments assess liklihood based on data. For example, "if I bake my cookies at 550 for 30 minutes, they'll burn" is a value judgment; it does not say it is wrong or bad to bake cookies this way. "Wickedness never was happiness" is a similar type of judgment. God only ever makes value judgments. This is observable to anyone who is able to observe, and who has an understanding of The Law.
Without using data in analytics or assessments, it becomes extremely difficult to arrive at true conclusions. I would say it is impossible, but there is still the possibility of chance; though, even if arrived at by chance, the student would, in all cases, be unable to recognize, let alone appreciate, that truth.
1 Marshall Rosenberg quoting J. Krishnamurti in Nonviolent Communication: a language of life. 2003. PuddleDancer Press, 2nd edition. pgs. 26-36
2 "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow...and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." - Philippians 2:9-11
2 "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow...and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." - Philippians 2:9-11
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Comparing the story of the Children of Israel with Mankind's One Great Story
Like the ring on a table left from a sweating glass, soaked up by a paper towel, our eternal journey soaks through this veil of forgetfulness, showing up in all religions, myths, and stories around the globe. Most stories bear testimony of mankind's One Great Story, the journey we are all actually on. But one story, perhaps more than any other, parallels our eternal journey most accurately. It is the story of the Children of Israel.
Children of Israel
Abraham is chosen in Israel. Then, he goes to Egypt and immediately, his posterity is enslaved for 500 years. Jesus said to forgive 7 X 70 = 490. There might be greater significance to this number, but, at the very least, I think the number of years Israel spent in bondage is to communicate that they were hopelessly in bondage; in much the same way 7 X 70 communicates that there is always hope of forgiveness.
One Great Story
In heaven, we were chosen. Then, we came to earth. Here, on earth, we are enslaved by the chains of Satan. We are prisoners, spiritually, and all must die physically. We CANNOT escape the grasp of Satan, or death, on our own.
Children of Israel
Pharaoh ruled with a strong hand. He owned all the soldiers, food, and weapons. He had all the power. Then Jesus Christ made bare His Holy arm. He armed Moses with staff. He sent plagues to overpower Pharaoh. The children of Israel contributed nothing to their escape. The gates of Egypt were opened by God Himself.
One Great Story
Having left a perfect place and been given Choice, our only pathway home was to make perfect choices because imperfect people can't be in perfect places without making that place imperfect. This created a Predicament. There was no going home. Then, Jesus Christ suffered for everyone's bad choices, making escape from this hell-hole possible. The gates are open.
Children of Israel
They walk out of Egypt into the lone and dreary wilderness. They know they are going to a promised land - a land of their inheritance, but they do not know how they will get there. They will follow God.
One Great Story
The gates are open. Now, we must walk. In this lone and dreary world, it is easy to want to find a hole to crawl in, anesthetize with whatever endorphin or drug we can imbibe, and wait for it to all to end. But, we have an inheritance waiting, and to get there, we must walk. We do not see the path ahead, but we trust God. He will light the path before us as we walk in faith.
Children of Israel
After they were freed by God, single-handedly, and escaped enslavement, they came to place they could not possibly pass. In as certain a fashion as they could not escape Egypt, once again they found themselves up against an impossible task. Pharaoh and his chariots, regretting their loss, approached them on their rear.
One Great Story
The Atonement is wrought. We are freed. Still, we run up against tribulations which are over our head. Addiction. Abuse. Illness. Handicaps. Enslavement. Death. Though free to walk the pathway home to heaven, we cannot make the climb. Again and again we stumble, until we rock bottom...and can go no further.
Children of Israel
God parted the Red Sea. The Children of Israel walked across the bottom of the sea, on dry ground. After they were safely on the other side, God caused the waters to fall on the chariots of Pharaoh which had faithfully gone in after them.
One Great Story
God opens a way. No matter what we've suffered in the past or what obstacle stands before us, the Great God of Heaven will clear a path for us to walk through it on dry ground. He did not fail the Children of Israel in that frightful hour, and He will not fail us. He has never failed me. There is none so True and Faithful, and Might to Save.
Children of Israel
Numerous are the recorded stories of God's dealings with the Children of Israel while wandering in the wilderness - each worthy of its own blog post. Each is a sign for what we must do to complete our journey, and make it back home to heaven. In no particular order (because I don't know the exact order), here are a few:
They are dead thirsty, and God makes water flow from a rock. --> Blessed are they that thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Jesus Christ is the living waters; those who drink from His well shall never thirst.
They are fed manna daily which falls effortlessly from Heaven. This manna meets all of their bodily needs; they are supplied sufficiently. --> Blessed are they that hunger after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Jesus Christ is the bread of life; those who eat this bread shall never hunger. What this hungering and thirsting means to me is that whenever I have a need - whether mental, emotional, spiritual, or even physical - I look to God to meet it. Literally. Every day. I also look to Him for answers, validation, empathy, healing, and direction. Seeking my worth, my safety, and my knowledge from God Himself constitutes my second birth.
They are bit by poisonous, deadly serpents and face imminent death. God tells Moses to make a brass snake and hoist in on a pole for all of Israel to come see. Those who look upon this brass serpent live. Those who do not look, die. --> In the same way that refusing to eat food or drink water kills the body, refusing to look to God for salvation likewise results in death. This isn't the first time we've needed God - remember the Red Sea?
They are given commandments by which to live. Those who keep the commandments dwell safely with the people. Those who break the more serious commandments are taken without the walls of the camp and stoned. --> The spiritual Law(s) of God constitute our walls of safety. Within the bounds the Lord has set, we are free and safe by His protection. Outside of The Law, there is no protection and thus, imminent death. For example, if God says, "be faithful to and love your spouse," then those who do this are not subject to the death of their family or the heartache, disease and drama of infidelity. If God says, "don't do illicit drugs," then those who refrain from doing drugs avoid the health, social, and legal problems attendant to illicit drug use. If God says, "jump", those who jump won't be swept away; if He says, "duck", those who duck won't have their heads chopped off, and so on.
They are given a temple where they sacrifice their physical goods to please God, and they make covenants with Him. --> Because our relationship with God is just that, a relationship, it, like all relationships, is two-way. The sacrifices we make today are donations of our time, talents, and possessions. These show God that we are in this relationship with Him for real. Not for fake-pretend, but for really-reals. God can be pleased and displeased. We still make covenants with him, like baptism.
A generation passed away before entering the promised land. --> Our journey home to heaven takes a lifetime.
There are more.
It feels like wandering, but those who Follow the Light are actually being led.
Children of Israel
Since their escape from the bondage of Egypt, up until the time of their entrance into their promised land, there is a theme which persists throughout the story of the Children of Israel. It is that they could not do it on their own. Though they were required to walk and fight, that is all they were required to do. God freed them. God parted the Red Sea. God fed them daily for a lifetime. God gave them water to drink. God healed them from sickness. God saved them from certain death. And then, after all that, they were afraid to claim their prize, nor could they do it. Once again, the hand of God must do it. God strengthens them in war to claim victory over those who would prevent them from entering. And there, they lived happily ever after........ or would have, had they seen the spiritual realities behind their recent, temporal odyssey.
One Great Story
From the moment we left our pre-mortal home with God, we were lost, forsaken, forgotten, blind, dead. This was purposeful: to open our eyes. Still, we remain that way, unless we look to God in all things. The gates of death and hell are open. We can exit. It won't be a short jaunt to the celestial kingdom. It won't be easy. It will feel like wandering, and all throughout our mortal journey, or rather, throughout these mortal conditions of our eternal journey, it will feel like we encounter death, over and over again. Even unto the end, when we face the illusion of death, it is clear that we must rely on God to save us. We can't resurrect ourselves! Neither can we live without Him now!
Here is why the yin-yang symbol is the perfect visual for our One Great Journey.
Children of Israel
Abraham is chosen in Israel. Then, he goes to Egypt and immediately, his posterity is enslaved for 500 years. Jesus said to forgive 7 X 70 = 490. There might be greater significance to this number, but, at the very least, I think the number of years Israel spent in bondage is to communicate that they were hopelessly in bondage; in much the same way 7 X 70 communicates that there is always hope of forgiveness.
One Great Story
In heaven, we were chosen. Then, we came to earth. Here, on earth, we are enslaved by the chains of Satan. We are prisoners, spiritually, and all must die physically. We CANNOT escape the grasp of Satan, or death, on our own.
Children of Israel
Pharaoh ruled with a strong hand. He owned all the soldiers, food, and weapons. He had all the power. Then Jesus Christ made bare His Holy arm. He armed Moses with staff. He sent plagues to overpower Pharaoh. The children of Israel contributed nothing to their escape. The gates of Egypt were opened by God Himself.
One Great Story
Having left a perfect place and been given Choice, our only pathway home was to make perfect choices because imperfect people can't be in perfect places without making that place imperfect. This created a Predicament. There was no going home. Then, Jesus Christ suffered for everyone's bad choices, making escape from this hell-hole possible. The gates are open.
Children of Israel
They walk out of Egypt into the lone and dreary wilderness. They know they are going to a promised land - a land of their inheritance, but they do not know how they will get there. They will follow God.
One Great Story
The gates are open. Now, we must walk. In this lone and dreary world, it is easy to want to find a hole to crawl in, anesthetize with whatever endorphin or drug we can imbibe, and wait for it to all to end. But, we have an inheritance waiting, and to get there, we must walk. We do not see the path ahead, but we trust God. He will light the path before us as we walk in faith.
Children of Israel
After they were freed by God, single-handedly, and escaped enslavement, they came to place they could not possibly pass. In as certain a fashion as they could not escape Egypt, once again they found themselves up against an impossible task. Pharaoh and his chariots, regretting their loss, approached them on their rear.
One Great Story
The Atonement is wrought. We are freed. Still, we run up against tribulations which are over our head. Addiction. Abuse. Illness. Handicaps. Enslavement. Death. Though free to walk the pathway home to heaven, we cannot make the climb. Again and again we stumble, until we rock bottom...and can go no further.
Children of Israel
God parted the Red Sea. The Children of Israel walked across the bottom of the sea, on dry ground. After they were safely on the other side, God caused the waters to fall on the chariots of Pharaoh which had faithfully gone in after them.
One Great Story
God opens a way. No matter what we've suffered in the past or what obstacle stands before us, the Great God of Heaven will clear a path for us to walk through it on dry ground. He did not fail the Children of Israel in that frightful hour, and He will not fail us. He has never failed me. There is none so True and Faithful, and Might to Save.
Children of Israel
Numerous are the recorded stories of God's dealings with the Children of Israel while wandering in the wilderness - each worthy of its own blog post. Each is a sign for what we must do to complete our journey, and make it back home to heaven. In no particular order (because I don't know the exact order), here are a few:
They are dead thirsty, and God makes water flow from a rock. --> Blessed are they that thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Jesus Christ is the living waters; those who drink from His well shall never thirst.
They are fed manna daily which falls effortlessly from Heaven. This manna meets all of their bodily needs; they are supplied sufficiently. --> Blessed are they that hunger after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Jesus Christ is the bread of life; those who eat this bread shall never hunger. What this hungering and thirsting means to me is that whenever I have a need - whether mental, emotional, spiritual, or even physical - I look to God to meet it. Literally. Every day. I also look to Him for answers, validation, empathy, healing, and direction. Seeking my worth, my safety, and my knowledge from God Himself constitutes my second birth.
They are bit by poisonous, deadly serpents and face imminent death. God tells Moses to make a brass snake and hoist in on a pole for all of Israel to come see. Those who look upon this brass serpent live. Those who do not look, die. --> In the same way that refusing to eat food or drink water kills the body, refusing to look to God for salvation likewise results in death. This isn't the first time we've needed God - remember the Red Sea?
They are given commandments by which to live. Those who keep the commandments dwell safely with the people. Those who break the more serious commandments are taken without the walls of the camp and stoned. --> The spiritual Law(s) of God constitute our walls of safety. Within the bounds the Lord has set, we are free and safe by His protection. Outside of The Law, there is no protection and thus, imminent death. For example, if God says, "be faithful to and love your spouse," then those who do this are not subject to the death of their family or the heartache, disease and drama of infidelity. If God says, "don't do illicit drugs," then those who refrain from doing drugs avoid the health, social, and legal problems attendant to illicit drug use. If God says, "jump", those who jump won't be swept away; if He says, "duck", those who duck won't have their heads chopped off, and so on.
They are given a temple where they sacrifice their physical goods to please God, and they make covenants with Him. --> Because our relationship with God is just that, a relationship, it, like all relationships, is two-way. The sacrifices we make today are donations of our time, talents, and possessions. These show God that we are in this relationship with Him for real. Not for fake-pretend, but for really-reals. God can be pleased and displeased. We still make covenants with him, like baptism.
A generation passed away before entering the promised land. --> Our journey home to heaven takes a lifetime.
There are more.
It feels like wandering, but those who Follow the Light are actually being led.
Children of Israel
Since their escape from the bondage of Egypt, up until the time of their entrance into their promised land, there is a theme which persists throughout the story of the Children of Israel. It is that they could not do it on their own. Though they were required to walk and fight, that is all they were required to do. God freed them. God parted the Red Sea. God fed them daily for a lifetime. God gave them water to drink. God healed them from sickness. God saved them from certain death. And then, after all that, they were afraid to claim their prize, nor could they do it. Once again, the hand of God must do it. God strengthens them in war to claim victory over those who would prevent them from entering. And there, they lived happily ever after........ or would have, had they seen the spiritual realities behind their recent, temporal odyssey.
One Great Story
From the moment we left our pre-mortal home with God, we were lost, forsaken, forgotten, blind, dead. This was purposeful: to open our eyes. Still, we remain that way, unless we look to God in all things. The gates of death and hell are open. We can exit. It won't be a short jaunt to the celestial kingdom. It won't be easy. It will feel like wandering, and all throughout our mortal journey, or rather, throughout these mortal conditions of our eternal journey, it will feel like we encounter death, over and over again. Even unto the end, when we face the illusion of death, it is clear that we must rely on God to save us. We can't resurrect ourselves! Neither can we live without Him now!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Of What Use is Unbridled Power?
God' commandments increasingly restrict with purpose.
God's commandments teach the skill of bridling. Bridling circumscribes power, giving it bounds, containing it. Of what use is unbridled power? To destroy.
I know this earthly experience seems to be ruled by destruction. But does destruction reign in the universe? The universe is ordered and destruction reigns only behind this earth's veil, for a brief period of time, with a very critical purpose? 1
Do we want destruction reigning? Let us thank God for enslaving destructive souls!
In the eternal, spiritual world, we can bridle, or be bridled. The Choice is ours. 2
The power of righteousness is to build.
The power of sin is to destroy.
Life, in the scriptural sense, refers to building.
Death, in the scriptural sense, refers to destruction.
At the end of earth's story, the unrepentant will become slaves
the way a nuclear reaction is harnessed by metal and concrete
coverings, and the hands which act upon them. 3
* if anyone discovers a use other than destruction for unbridled power, please let me know.
1 John 16:21,22 (more about likening this earthly experience unto a woman in labor here); and Isaiah 54:7
2 "Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil." - 2 Nephi 2:27
3 "There is a God, and He hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon." 2 Nepi 2:14
Sunday, January 19, 2014
The Plans of Happiness info graphic
"Denial of Self results in illusions, while correction of the error brings release from it." - A Course in Miracles. 1,VII,1-6.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Everyone wants sustainability. The opposite of sustainability is
deterioration or death. Sustainability,
therefore, is the perpetuation of life, so of course everyone wants it. But, the desire for something and the
knowledge of how to obtain it do not always emerge simultaneously. In building our strategies for
sustainability, I believe it would be helpful to understand its origin.
The origin of sustainability is The Law. The Law of which I speak might be referred to
by religions as “God’s Law” or by philosophers as “natural law”. You may notice it in the rules of Math, and
through the discoveries of science.
Whatever you call it, it is what dictates the outcome of all
action. The Law is a set of rules, an
“if/then” sequence which cuts through the void, establishing things as good or
evil. The Law divides the light from the
dark, positive from negative, yin from yang.
The Law brings order to our existence.
The Law is the axiom from which all of life and creation follow
Our universe is orderly.
Consider the planets and their rotation, the regularity with which the
sun sets and rises, and all the laws of physics. Consider our bodies and the predictability of
their functions. Predictability is a
bi-product of The Law. Just as it does
with our bodies, The Law likewise determines our spiritual and social
health. It decides which actions tend to
spiritual wellness, independence and inter-connectedness, in the same manner
with which it decides which substances and activities tend to physical
health. Our needs, that propelling
fountain perpetually springing up in us, get met or go unmet based on our “if”
in this “if/then” sequence. The meeting
of our needs constitutes life; our needs going unmet constitute death.
That some things operate in ways unpredictable to us is not
evidence of an absence of The Law, but rather evidence of our ignorance of some
part of it. The Law doesn’t exist
because we discover it; we discover it because it exists. In all areas of life, humans are discovering
more aspects of The Law. Our discovery
of and compliance with The Law constitute our development and happiness, with
happiness being the object and design of our existence. We are no more capable of knowing The Law of
ourselves than a child. Like children, we
learn The Law from our Father. We will
have happiness like a child when we accept God’s will like a child accepts his
parents’ will.
The sooner we learn and accept The Law, the more fully will we
live life and secure its perpetuation, speaking individually and
collectively. This is sustainability. I know both sides of The Law. One side is life; one side is death. Sustainability is choosing the light – the living
side of The Law.
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