The Love is action. It is the work God and His workers do to bring others to the optimal state of their design. It is reaching out to meet the needs of others and looking inward to maximize compliance with The Law.
The Lure is inaction. It is the enticing theory marketed by the devil and his subscribers which claims that all bliss can be had without price, without work (except the work required to establish the system, which would then eliminate pain and be maintained perpetually by force). It is face painting for the sake of enticement, believing that when enough people sign up (ironically, by Choice), Utopia will spontaneously combust; thus, placing attractiveness on the pedestal as mankind's greatest virtue. No wonder God refers to His greatest enemy as a whore.
Because God's love for us is so pure and altruistic, because He only ever desires what is best for us, and because He knows even better than we do what is, in fact, best for us, any doctrine or teaching that persuades men to follow any strategies other than God's for meeting their needs - in other words pride - is worthy of the most heated condemnation. In fact, only the most heated condemnation can adequately communicate God's love.
Plan A's goal and means of achieving it are clearly stated. The path is known. The biggest challenge may be boredom.
Plan B's goal is clearly stated, but it's means of achieving it are vague. The unknowns in this plan give it its mystery and lure. Excitement is it's draw. -------------------------------------------------------------------
"Darkness is lack of light as sin is lack of love." ACIM 1-IV-3,1
Plan B's goal is clearly stated, but it's means of achieving it are vague. The unknowns in this plan give it its mystery and lure. Excitement is it's draw. -------------------------------------------------------------------
"Darkness is lack of light as sin is lack of love." ACIM 1-IV-3,1
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