Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Demystification of Revelations and Miracles

If I say that something was revealed to me by God - some truth, some insight - many people may wonder.  But, it's really not that complicated.  When my son wants to know how plants grow, I share with him a bit about photosynthesis.  When he wants to know about things falling, I explain about gravity.  He then understands because I communicated that light and knowledge to him and he received it.  This is revelation.  Revelation occurs whenever one individual in possession of light and knowledge communicates it to another individual not in possession of that same light and knowledge, and that second individual receives it. 

None of us creates light or knowledge; it's already in existence.  God possesses all of it.  We're just the recipients of it.   

Whether a child is receiving light and knowledge from his earthly father or his Heavenly Father, the process is the same.  The only difference is the medium of communication.  Our Heavenly Father stands behind a veil and speaks to us through mediums we're not yet able to explain or dissect.  But, that's not bad.  In fact, it's very good!  

Like our physical bodies, our spirits have senses.  Our senses are mechanisms through which we experience.  God, our Father, can engage our  spiritual senses.  Spiritual experiences bring knowledge unlike what we experience through our physical senses.  Precisely because the spiritual is permanent and the physical temporary (we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience), real experiences amass real, permanent knowledge, while temporal knowledge accrued through the temporal senses feels, well, temporary.

If I explained budgeting to my child over a cell phone, he could still learn the information.  I'm not near him, and he can't see me.   This is no different than God communicating with our spirits through spiritual senses.  Whether in person, over the phone, or through spiritual mechanisms, the concept of revelation remains the same.  

The idea of miracles is also frequently and similarly mystified.  The process of a seed being planted in soil, growing into a tree, and then producing fruit which I then eat, gaining energy for that day, is by some standards NOT miraculous because each stage of this process can be explained.  We can even draw pictures which illustrate our understanding.  However, when bread falls from heaven, it's thought to be different because we don't know how clouds can produce bread.  Regardless of means, miracles are Gods blessings for His children.  

The mystification of revelation and miracles stems from the belief that the explanation of a process is the same as the creation of the process.  In no case has a man or woman taught another a truth which did not first exist in God.  And in no case is any man or woman blessed by any thing resulting in any measure of joy which did not proceed from God, and which could not be called a miracle. 1


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