When Christ finished His Atonement and gave up the ghost on the cross, the veil was rent (Luke 23:45). The veil was rent, and access granted to what lie behind it, by the work of a man. The veil is owned and operated by the Divine Masculine. Behind the veil was the Mercy Seat, the golden covering of the Ark of the Covenant, in a room called the Holy of Holies. (Exodus 26:33,34)
The veil, or, the dark side of justice, behind which we stood prior to Christ, kept us from accessing God. Our bodies are temples (1 Corinthians 6:19; John 2:21), and the veil surrounding the Holy of Holies shielded God's most sacred parts. Our veil keeps us from “knowing” God. Prior to Christ, the children of God had no way of re-entering God's presence. After Jesus - born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth - came to fulfill the role of the Divine Feminine , Justice (male) was satisfied by Mercy (female), and access to Mercy - through the veil - was granted. Before Christ, none could return home to the presence of God. Justice kept the veil over Mercy until He was satisfied. When Christ satisfied Justice, the veil over woman, the holiest and pinnacle of God's creations, was rent. Mercy is now accessible. God's children may now return home, to heaven, to Mercy, to the Divine Feminine.
Now, access to Mercy is granted on the conditions of our repentance. We must have a 'broken heart' and a 'contrite' spirit. This is how men often approach women. These conditions smack of a husband who has given offense, has been kicked out of the house, and now must come crawling back to woman in order to reenter his home. The conditions of repentance, which allow us to crawl back into the presence of God, make our Heavenly Home sound feminine and our journey back masculine.
In the Old Testament temple, the Mercy Seat was shut up and confined to the Holy of Holies; it sat behind a veil. In a world of malevolence and murder, that which is Holy must be shut up so as to be protected. This is the world in which we live, so the Divine Feminine is silenced; behind the veil she neither speaks nor is seen. This is not to her detriment, but to ours. Because of Christ, the repentant may have access to Her light and warmth and homeliness once again. The faithful - those who consecrate their time and talents - will be taken through the veil. The most faithful cannot be kept without (Ether 12:21). The Bridegroom will unveil the faithful, and they shall see God as God is - naked, vulnerable - and a “knowing” will take place. But, to the unrepentant, the beautiful, feminine side of their heavenly home will never be known or seen forevermore. The face of God is man. He is the Head, and by His choice & strength we are placed behind the veil; and by that same strength is the veil parted. He is the owner and operator of the veil - behind it is what we want: the fulfillment of all our needs, nourishment, living waters, the Divine Feminine.
The Holy of Holies was just one room in all the earth. To the unfaithful children of Israel, it may have looked like a dead end.
“All this work, all this way,” they may have said, “and all it is, is a pretty, gold box in a 5’X5’ room, surrounded by a veil.” One can dismiss it as a waste of time. But, this little room is like a trap door. Through it, on the other side, a whole new world opens up.
These light cones, an image created by Einstein in his space-time theory of relativity, help me to understand this concept better (God is light, after all, and this is how light behaves in time). The past light cone (the one on the bottom, pointing up) appears to be a dead end. Let's call point where it does dead end the Holy of Holies. This little 5’X5’ room would be a dead end, if God didn’t meet us there (Exodus 25:22; Leviticus 16:2; Numbers 7:89). The future light cone (the one on the top, pointing down) appears to never end. It’s expanse ever-widens, eternally increasing in height and width and breadth.
Viewed from above, in increments of time, it’s growth occurs in ever-expanding circles, just like a tree.
Finding our way into a place where we can commune with God - finding our own Holy of Holies - marks the beginning of our spiritual growth. The seed of our “tree of life” is planted when the soil of our hearts becomes broken-up & contrite, like roto-tilled earth.
Walking into this little, confined room in our hearts will feel a lot like dying. It will feel like our hearts are being roto-tilled. Our Holy of Holies is a place of total submission, which can rightfully be called death - the death of our will, our flesh, taken up and hung on a cross, like Christ (Mark 8:3). However, it is also a place which can rightfully be called life. It would be a place exclusively of death, if God did not meet us there. But, He does; every time. Here is where He saves us. This is the room of our salvation. As we visit and revisit this little room, which the unfaithful refer to as “captivity”, we are privileged to see through the veil our spiritual trees, or, our eternal lives, growing; progressing endlessly. The unfaithful cannot see these trees. They do not know because they still wear the veil. All they can see is a dead end.
Walking into this little, confined room in our hearts will feel a lot like dying. It will feel like our hearts are being roto-tilled. Our Holy of Holies is a place of total submission, which can rightfully be called death - the death of our will, our flesh, taken up and hung on a cross, like Christ (Mark 8:3). However, it is also a place which can rightfully be called life. It would be a place exclusively of death, if God did not meet us there. But, He does; every time. Here is where He saves us. This is the room of our salvation. As we visit and revisit this little room, which the unfaithful refer to as “captivity”, we are privileged to see through the veil our spiritual trees, or, our eternal lives, growing; progressing endlessly. The unfaithful cannot see these trees. They do not know because they still wear the veil. All they can see is a dead end.
This little room in our hearts is a dead end - in it, our will dies and our self-salvation ends. In this room is an alter on which we sacrifice. In the same way as the ancient priests, and for the same purpose, we sprinkle blood on it, seven times - or, until we are whole (Leviticus 16:9). All things are unto the typifying of Christ (2 Nephi 11:4). Do they typify more? Does all the symbolism of the Old Testament tell us what God will do for us, so that we may get past Christ, our judge, and enter heaven? Or does it tell us what we must do so that we may get past Christ, our judge, and enter heaven? The answer is both, for in every relationship, there is give-and-take. He first loves us (1 John 4:19), then we, like women, mirror Him. We must sprinkle our own blood (the sacrifice of our will) on the alter in our own Holy of Holies, that place of complete submission. Our sacrifice alone does not make this place holy. It is made Holy by God’s visitation. This place is our rock bottom. It is the place to which we naturally sink in this upside down world, as we think and move according to the dictates of the Whirlpool. At the bottom, we discover a Rock. Below us, a rock; above us, a hard place - an impossible swim. That Rock will forever be our Salvation, though, until we recognize that, it will simply be the rock which grinds upon our faces, the prick against which we bruise our heels. But, once we cleave the Rock, fresh, never-ending, living waters gush forth, and we, freshly reborn, want only to nurse therefrom (1 Corinthians 10:4, Deuteronomy 32:13, 2 Samuel 22:47). We are truly saved by Grace, by choice. Not everyone hits rock bottom, or rather, not everyone who hits rock bottom "claves" the Rock (Isaiah 48:21).
Our choice to come to this place is rewarded with life. God, whose name is Eternal, visits us here in the depth of our humility. In this place made sacred, He reveals Himself to us so that we may know Him. This is Life Eternal (John 17:3). This is where life with Eternal forms. Over time, we learn to like the taste of humility, or at least the after-taste :) This little room becomes our favorite room, our living room. This place is the source of all sustainable happiness, defined as “joy”. At Rock bottom, we begin to grow, from the inside-out, just like a tree; and, we continue to grow as we stay tapped into that Divine Feminine source of nourishment, from which we get our strength (John 15:5), embodied by Christ. Note that Christ said He is the vine (feminine), while His Father is the Husbandman (John 15:1); and what does a husbandman do but till soil and heap dung upon it, covering the seed beneath a veil of darkness?
When Christ, the substance of the Divine Masculine and the meaning of the Divine Feminine, satisfied the demands of justice, the veil protecting the Mercy Seat was rent. This symbolized access being granted to the children of God who might now return home to the presence of God. Justice, being now satisfied, can "show" mercy. God's body - that Great and Sexy I AM - can be disrobed through Christ. We can "know" Him, seeing Him as He is, and receive Eternal Life on Judgment Day, our wedding night.
Our choice to come to this place is rewarded with life. God, whose name is Eternal, visits us here in the depth of our humility. In this place made sacred, He reveals Himself to us so that we may know Him. This is Life Eternal (John 17:3). This is where life with Eternal forms. Over time, we learn to like the taste of humility, or at least the after-taste :) This little room becomes our favorite room, our living room. This place is the source of all sustainable happiness, defined as “joy”. At Rock bottom, we begin to grow, from the inside-out, just like a tree; and, we continue to grow as we stay tapped into that Divine Feminine source of nourishment, from which we get our strength (John 15:5), embodied by Christ. Note that Christ said He is the vine (feminine), while His Father is the Husbandman (John 15:1); and what does a husbandman do but till soil and heap dung upon it, covering the seed beneath a veil of darkness?
When Christ, the substance of the Divine Masculine and the meaning of the Divine Feminine, satisfied the demands of justice, the veil protecting the Mercy Seat was rent. This symbolized access being granted to the children of God who might now return home to the presence of God. Justice, being now satisfied, can "show" mercy. God's body - that Great and Sexy I AM - can be disrobed through Christ. We can "know" Him, seeing Him as He is, and receive Eternal Life on Judgment Day, our wedding night.
So, why does the gospel of Jesus Christ sometimes sound like God is the man and we are the woman? and yet I am trying to make it sound like God is the woman and we are the man? Remember, our journey forms one eternal round, and currently, we are behind a veil, and upside down.
So, we have one perspective, which is true; and our Divine, Gendered-God has another, which is also true. God can speak as both and be truthful, because He speaks to our language and understanding, which happens to be about as far away from Him right now as possible.
Separated from God and behind a veil, we see very clearly the perspective of the yin-yang, which is that man is good and light, and women are evil and dark.
We see women wearing veils all throughout the world. We see women undervalued & oppressed, minimized and commercialized. That is one use of the symbol of the veil. There is another. The veil o'er the earth is beginning to burst, and the more we see through it, the more we see that God's perspective is quite precisely the inverse of our own.
Mercifully, there is hope for women who are the embodiment of mercy itself, who stand behind the veil as God's most cherished resources. Woman's divine nature is the embryonic substance of the light of the universe. From a complete perspective, femininity is no more confined by veils than are stars by darkness.
Separated from God and behind a veil, we see very clearly the perspective of the yin-yang, which is that man is good and light, and women are evil and dark.
We see women wearing veils all throughout the world. We see women undervalued & oppressed, minimized and commercialized. That is one use of the symbol of the veil. There is another. The veil o'er the earth is beginning to burst, and the more we see through it, the more we see that God's perspective is quite precisely the inverse of our own.
Mercifully, there is hope for women who are the embodiment of mercy itself, who stand behind the veil as God's most cherished resources. Woman's divine nature is the embryonic substance of the light of the universe. From a complete perspective, femininity is no more confined by veils than are stars by darkness.