Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Campfire Effect

I had a chemistry teacher who used to be bugged when his wife, while they were laying in bed, would say, "your feet are cold." He would reply, "there's no such thing as cold; cold is merely an absence of heat." He would prefer her to say something like, "my feet are much warmer than yours, and the heat-loss transfer from mine to yours isn't pleasing me; so, would you please place your feet further away, so that my feet can retain their heat?"

There is no such thing as cold; what we call cold is a measurement of an absence of heat.

There is really no such thing as darkness either; what we call darkness is a measurement of an absence of light.

Both light and warmth are a result of Work. Entropy is the word for the measurement of an absence of work in the universe. Entropy "tends to a maximum" which means that without the input of work, the universe tends to fall apart. 1

God lost His children, so that He might gain them back again, with meaning. He, who is Light, planted us, children of Light, in His absence - a void: dark, cold, and lonely - to nurture the light within us. This nurturing is His work and His glory. 2 In this lone and dreary world, we are drawn to His light and warmth by our great needs. "I am a child of God and so my needs are great." His children flow unto His campfire without compulsory means. 3

The kingdom of the devil does not exist; it is a measurement of the absence of the kingdom of God. If we call the kingdom of God a tooth, the "kingdom" of the devil is a cavity. It provides teeth meaning by reminding us that teeth are important. Ain't that the tooth? Our tenure here on earth is important - it teaches us God's meaning, by showing us what He is not.

Spiritually speaking, God is sitting in the sky like the sun - a big ball of glowing light and warmth.  We need to rise up, and gather around Him, in order to gain light and warmth for ourselves. We need Him.

Those who do their Best rise up and are "gathered." 

Why do people "gather" around a campfire? And, the bigger question: when they do, why is it so magical? It does something special for each person. It does something special for the collective - it connects them together and releases them individually; it releases them to think and be, freely; which then induces sharing which is authentic and free. A campfire is a circle of light and warmth for dark and cold surroundings. The Gathering around a campfire is the physical satisfaction of a greater, spiritual need.


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