As man and woman keep The Law respecting sexuality, they climb a mountain. We all want to conquer. It is a need we have as children of God. We, in attempting to meet that need, often “conquer” in a damaging way.
Men coax, then have sex with women. He then feels that he has achieved some feat. That he has “conquered” a woman. That he is strong. He has power over her. Women offer or lure, then have sex with men. She then feels that she has value. That she has “conquered” a man. That she is needed. She has power over him.
As sons and daughters of God, we are designed to conquer and have power over (1). Men are designed to be strong. Women are designed to be needed. But, to conquer all, we must keep The Law. Climbing a mountain is a metaphor often used by spiritual leaders. Getting on top is a culmination of adventure and the accomplishment of a difficult challenge. There, we find that we are strong and that we are needed, for a lifetime. Promiscuity is the exact counterfeit to this, where the adventure and accomplishment of "getting on top" and the accompanying sense of strength and importance last only for a moment.
Keeping The Law respecting sexuality takes work. Breaking The Law respecting sexuality is effortless. As we stay on the light side of The Law, we acquire all the light the mountain has to offer. We acquire respect, security, dignity, self-control, satisfaction, we get to know one another’s insides, spirits, or personalities; we obtain vision, knowledge, and the pleasures of spiritual, emotional, and intellectual intimacy; our hearts are knit together by light. We then own the light trod beneath our feet, and conquer. We reach the top. We climax. We have conquered the mountain together, rather than conquering each other. But, that’s just the beginning.
When we reach the top, something counter intuitive happens.
A new world of never ending pleasure opens up. Once married, we are not only permitted, but encouraged to explore each other’s bodies intimately. The physical bonding is now added to the recipe of spiritual, emotional, and intellectual intimacy which was forged in climbing the mountain. We might call this the icing on the cake, but it is so much more than a wimpy, missionary style, mostly in the dark, candle on top of a cake.
It is a portal to, literally, unending happiness. The possibilities for pleasure through sexual exploration are grand. Does anyone disagree? This includes non-physical dimensions of sex as well. Of course, The Law still exists after marriage, even if no ecclesiastical leader will tell you what to do behind closed doors (please no!). In other words, it doesn't look like this:
This kind of thinking is a classic error of poor expectations, and it can ruin a wedding night, or a decade full of good behavior, with severe disappointment. But, the sexual possibilities do continue to expand and increase eternally. You might even call it a second climax - a climax which never ends.
However, the benefits of this second climax are not limited to just physical pleasure. We also experience the pleasure of posterity. Children are born and we enjoy the pleasure of watching them grow. We can experience all of our own pleasures again vicariously, over and over and over again. Additionally, the other intimacies developed by climbing the mountain augment with sex and time. This will not happen for breakers of The Law because those other intimacies were never established. Between the first and second climax, keepers of The Law gain everything.
This post is about sex, because the issue of sex most profoundly affects our happiness 2, and I like the play on words. But, this idea of a first and second climax is applicable in all cases where The Law is kept. The place where the mountain peaks and meets the beginning of the second climax is a place of end and beginning. It is a place of death and life. Concerning the duality of man, it is the death of our devilish self and the birth of our godly self. It is being born again. This point also symbolizes the Atonement of Christ, performed in the meridian of time, of which act Christ said, "now shall the prince of this world be cast out."
It was the moment of His death. It was also the moment of Christ's victory, accomplished through the crucifying of His flesh. The Law leads us all, in like manner, to crucify our flesh, or devilish self. What looks like defeat to the rest of the world is a moment of victory for each of us, each time we die, or crucify the devil in us. After we die, we can be born again.
I believe this image can represent the beginning of our human story (birth), the climax (the Atonement), the end (final judgment), and the present moment. At Christ’s birth, He exited God’s presence and came to earth – from the Glory of Heaven to the dark, small manger; look what has grown from that! Of the Atonement, Christ said, "Now is the judgment of this world." But, He also said, "I came not to judge the world, but to save the world." It's a play on words. I love Jesus' duplicity! The Atonement enabled judgment because without the Atonement, all was lost. The Atonement brought some hope, and hope for some brought judgment for all. Ultimately, The Law executes judgment or justice. But, the effects of justice will be no different on Judgment Day than they are on This Day. Our final destination and our manner of arrival there look the same.
In 2D, this image is an hourglass and the point of climax represents the present. In Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, this image in 3D is called the light cone, where the climax represents the Present, the cone above is called the future light cone and represents all possible results from a present action, the cone beneath is called the past light cone and represents all possible occurrences leading up to the Present, and the black sides are called “elsewhere”. The size of the angle maxes-out at the speed of light 3. Christ being light, all of our past, through His Atonement, can lead to a happy present, and our choice this very moment, through the Atonement, can maximize the width and breadth of the future light we might enjoy.
This symbol declares that NOW is the time to repent! Or in other words, now is the time to substitute my will and path for God’s. Albert Camus said, "Do not wait for the last judgment. It comes every day." 4 In fact, it comes every moment. Every moment we have the opportunity to sacrifice our will (death), and then accept God's will (birth) 5. Eternal life is to truly live each moment, eternally.
This symbol declares that NOW is the time to repent! Or in other words, now is the time to substitute my will and path for God’s. Albert Camus said, "Do not wait for the last judgment. It comes every day." 4 In fact, it comes every moment. Every moment we have the opportunity to sacrifice our will (death), and then accept God's will (birth) 5. Eternal life is to truly live each moment, eternally.
Back to sex. As men and women break The Law respecting sexuality, they lose. The lure to break The Law is that all of the pleasure from the first and second climax can be had by doing nothing. We can just sit there, be attractive, and conquer. We can satisfy our Godly need to conquer and own everything the mountain has to offer, simply by sitting there and being attractive. It is a lure.
Consider physical exercise. It is obvious that when we don’t exercise our physical bodies, our muscles atrophy. People who climb mountains maximize their muscular potential through exertion. People who don’t climb spiritual mountains atrophy in similar way. They do not acquire respect, security, dignity, self-control, or satisfaction; they do not get to know one another’s insides, spirits, or personalities; they lose vision and knowledge of the pleasures of spiritual, emotional, and intellectual intimacy; their hearts are severed. Where there is no work, there is entropy. Heaven is the everlasting flame, fueled by work.
Yet, we market our shame and glorify our pain. We must, or our behavior won't make sense. Because The Law stipulates that sin will bring remorse of conscience 6, we tell The Lawgiver, “I can sin and be happy. Watch me. Yeah, it’s painful. And no, it doesn't get me what I want. But, man! It’s awesome!” But, it isn't. We are lying. We are regurgitating the lie we've swallowed, which is that we can eat fruit without labor. We try to say it ain't so, but the devil's love is a heartbreaker, a life-taker. We cannot have everything by doing nothing.
The author of this lie is a whore. God himself refers to this lie as the whore of the earth 7. What is the defining characteristic of a whore? For the receipt of that which is most valuable, they require nothing of us, except a token.
What a counterfeit! Can you see her legs spread out before you? Promising every satisfaction, the fulfillment of every need, for only a token. She promises that every human need and longing will be satiated endlessly, without work, making lure into a virtue.
When a man keeps The Law regarding sexuality, he helps his woman fulfill her roles and reach her potential. When a woman keeps The law regarding sexuality, she helps her man fulfill his roles and reach his potential. When they do this, they become valuable to each other. God does for us all what women and men can do for each other. He encourages us to keep The Law by blessing us after we keep it, and not before. He also respects our space, never trespassing without our consent. In so doing, our performance is enhanced, and we feel safe and valued.
When we fail to keep The Law of chastity we miss out on the growth which comes through exercise. The result is a loss of strength. In taking and giving our greatest gift and our greatest pleasure without work, we eventually become impotent.
2 "How we feel about and use [sex] will determine in large measure our happiness...and our destiny"
3 A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking, p.24-28.
3 A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking, p.24-28.
4 "Do not wait for the last judgment. It comes every day." - Albert Camus
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